"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."


Dale Huffman

Senior Vice Commander - Air Force - Post 9650

Elizabeth George

Junior Vice Commander - Navy - Post 9650

Greg Wilson

Quartermaster - Navy - Post 9650

Stan Neutze

Chaplain - Army - Post 9650

Al Housewright

Judge Advocate - Marines - Post 9650

Frank Mazur

1 Year Trustee - Marines - Post 9650

Willard Van Gundy

1 year Trustee - Post 9650

Greg Wilson

2 year Trustee - Army - Post 9650

Johnny L Palmer III

Service Officer - Army - Post 9650

Greg Rogers

Adjutant - Navy - Post 9650

Francis Mazur

3 Year Trustee/Web Manager - Army - Post 9650

Bob Shufelberger

Commander - Army - Post 9650


Susie Crosby

Auxiliary President - Post 9650

Marsha Kelley

Senior Vice - Post 9650

Rebecca Hibbs

Auxiliary Treasurer - Post 9650

Ralph Fredregill

Junior Vice - Post 9650

Wanda Rogers

Chaplin - Post 9650

Virginia Claver

Conductress - Post 9650

Lorna Piper

Guard - Post 9650

Haarlene "Sherri" Propst

Trustee 1 Year - Post 9650

Chanell Trapala

Trustee 2 Year - Post 9650

Penne Ochinero-Hughes

Trustee 3 Yer - Post 9650